Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
The felicitation program organized by Postal Coordination Committee, WB Circle
The Felicitation program of newly elected Secretary General Comrade Janardan Majumder, Asst Secretary general Comrade Suvash Chakraborty of our beloved organization NFPE and General Secretary of AIPEUGDS Comrade Tapan Bhowmick organized yesterday at Tarapada Memorial Hall by the Postal Coordination committee, West Bengal Circle. In this program Secretary General Com Janardan Majumder briefly described the present scenario of our union activities and our tasks thereof. Nearly 150 comrades of different divisions were present in this program.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Circle council & Circle working committee meeting at Purulia Division
The Circle council, Working Committee & extended working committee meeting of AIPEU Group C, Postman & MTS and GDS unions, West Bengal Circle, has been successfully held on 19th and 20th November 2022 at Haripada Sahitya Mandir,Purulia. At the very beginning the flag of NFPE was hoisted by Com. Janardan Majumdar (Secretary General, NFPE).
Nearly 168 councillors(including 5 women councillor) from across the circle participated in the program. Com Annewsha Biswas, Com Tarun Dey and Com Animesh Sarkar presided over the meeting. Comrade Lalmohan Grahacharya (Chairman, Reception Committee) delivered the welcome speech for the delegates. Com. R.N.Parashar(Secretary General, Confederation) inaugurated the Council meeting. He presented the reality of the attack of the Central Govt on the working class. The wealth of the nation is on sale for the corporates. Comrade Janardan Majumdar (Secretary General, NFPE), addressed the meeting enlightening the audience about the brave countrywide fight being fought by comrades of NFPE to protect Department of Posts. Comrade Debabrata Mohanty (General Secretary, AIPEU Postman) called to fight against the injustice on the employees. He vehemently opposed the BYOD plan of the Govt. Comrade Tapan Bhowmick(General Secretary,AIPEUGDS) emphasized that the total movement of NFPE would be weak if the strength of GDS union is not inceased. The program was followed by a beautiful performance of Chhou Dance of Purulia District.
On the second day, the program started with a colourful rally in the town. In the house, Comrade Rupak Mukherjee(General Secretary CGCC), Comrade Sanjib Barua(President,AIPEUSBCO & Circle Secretary SBCO), Comrade Avijit Raha(Offg Circle Secretary, RMS MMS RIII) delivered their speech in delegate session.
Com. Asit Bangabas, Comrade Subhash Chakraborty & Comrade Avirup Sardar placed draft report in front of the councillors. Total 48 councillors took part on discussion over draft report. Councillors from different divisions briefly discussed about various problems of their divisions, such as MACP issue, shortage of staff, attack of administrtion, shortage of fund, biased stance of administration in favour of unrecognized union etc.
We express our sincere thanks to all comrades of Purulia Division and also reception committee for their wonderful arrangement of Council and CWC meeting.
From Council meeting Circle unions have announced venue of next Circle conference at South Kolkata Division.