Thursday, September 1, 2011


 Dear comrades,
                                   The Circle Unions have convened to demonstrate tomorrow at Circle Office against another series of attacks unleashed on the Part-time & Contingent-paid workers in our Circle. When the staff-side is continuously struggling to achieve the wage revision and other service benefit for these employees all over the country, the department is trying to reduce the number of such workers on many pleas. Recently, another order has been issued to put the Part-time Chowkidars out of job. 
                                   Standing on this backdrop, the circle unions are requesting all divisions in and around Kolkata to assemble at circle office demonstration, other divisions are to hold demonstration at their divisions and send an adopted resolution in the following format.

Resolution Dated 02.09.2011.

              This demonstration of NFPE Group of unions, ___________________ division expresses its deep concern and anguish over the continuous deprivation and attacks on the Part-time and contingent-paid workers of our department. Instead of revising their wage justifiably after implementation of salary revision of all other sections of employees, the department is gradually taking the course to put them out of job on different pleas. This demonstration sternly protests the recent order to practically abolish the jobs of part-time chowkidars, although the reality shows increased need of their presence in more offices due to increased accumulation of cash and weak system of cash removal. This order is condemned detrimental to the interest of all sections of staffs.

                      This demonstration further resolves to send copies of this resolution to appropriate administrative authorities with the demand for immediate withdrawal of all such orders devised for oppressing the part-time & contingent-paid workers or to launch vehement trade union movement circle-wide.
                                                                     (To be signed by the President of to the demonstration)

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