The text of resolution in connection with GDS committee report (as published by CHQ):
The charter of demands finalised by Central Postal JCA on various departmental issues:
Settle the demands
of various cadres of Postal department relating to 7th CPC
recommendations submitted to Secretary, Posts in memorandum dated 08.12.2015.
cadre restructuring in all remaining
cadres in the Department of Posts and settle the residual issues
arising at implementation stage. Finalize RRs in MMS Cadres.
Grant Civil
Servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and grant all benefits of departmental
employees on pro-rata basis.
Revision of
wages and payment of arrears from 01.01.2006 to all casual, part-time,
contingent and daily-rated mazdoors and regularization of services.
Fill up all
vacant posts in all cadres including promotional posts and GDS.
membership verification of Gramin Dak Sevaks and declare the result of the
verification already conducted among departmental employees during 2015.
Revision of
OTA & OSA and fixation of norms for CRC/Speed post and Parcel in RMS and
FMC for Postman Cadre .
problems arising out of implementation of CSI and CBS.
Grant of
upgraded 3050 pay scale to Postmen w.e.f. 1.1.1996 as per Supreme Court
10. Withdraw “Very Good” bench mark condition for
MACP and future increments and holding of DPCs timely..
11. Grant of S
D.A. & HCA to the Assam & NE & remove discrimination.
12. .Problems
arisen out of demonetization Scheme and grant additional remuneration of full
day salary for Sunday/Holiday and hourly rate for extended duty hours. Provide
proper infrastructure including fake currency detector and counting machines.
Not to direct the officials to make good the loss where fake currency machines are not provided.
13. Stop Sunday/Holiday working completely.
14. Discussion
on Memorandum of AIPSBCOEA.
15. Declaration of Result of LGO & other
LDCEs in remaining Circles.
16. Finalization of Recruitment Rules of AAO
Cadre in Postal Accounts.
17. Repairing and Maintenance of Departmental
Text of resolution as finalised by West Bengal Circle Unions :
This demonstration of postal employees and workers of ____________ division/unit expresses its strong protest and deep resentment over (1) Inaction of the administration on the charter of demands placed by the Central Postal JCA on 17.11.2016, copy of which is enclosed herewith ; (2) Non-publication of Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report for Gramin Dak Sevaks and non-supply of copy to the staff-side ; (3) Non-Payment of due revised wage to the Part-Time Workers and Non-disbursement of working wage to DRMs at various divisions/units and unrealistic termination of their engagement entailing in dislocation of service and unjustified pressure on working staffs ; (4) Inaction of West Bengal Circle Administration for removal of huge WOS currency notes from post offices and supply of sufficient legal tender currency notes instead. The post offices, Head Offices in particular, are being subjected to whims of bank management and humiliation before public. The role of a section of officers belonging to different tiers are lacking of parity, proportion and transparency.
This demonstration is particularly critical of the misinterpretation of Dte. order regarding pay advance and its implication towards adjustment while payment of salary by the Circle Office, for which salary of all employees for the month of November 2016 were paid in cheque, in some places including GDS officials though they were not covered in Dte. order.
This demonstration demands justifiable solution to all the above problems in no time to bring about change in the present scenario of indifference and inaction, otherwise circlewide trade union movement of unprecedented intensity will be resorted to.
The Chief PMG, W.B.Circle
and All Regional PMsG.
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