Thursday, December 29, 2011


       The Indefinite strike called from 17th January 2012 appears inevitable as the agenda of department regarding MNOP and other issues seemed undeterred during the negotiation with JCA on 27.12.11. Comrades are requested to strengthen strike campaign programs of their divisions more in decentralised manner. Please note that JCA has declared a program on 10th January 2012 to observe Dharna at Circle/Regional/Divisional levels.

         The poster for the strike and badges are under print. Circle Unions will despatch these by Monday/Tuesday next. Leaflet will also be supplied. Meanwhile, divisions may publish their own bulletins/leaflets on the content of the circular distributed by Circle Unions in last extended CWC meeting at Yogayog Bhawan on 17.12.11. 

Monday, December 26, 2011


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Preparation of South Presidency Division (main gate, Baruipur H.O.) for tomorrow's program.

            As all divisional and Branch unions, together with the SAS agents and their organisation, are holding demonstration tomorrow at recess hours protesting the fresh attack on small savings schemes and SAS agents, the text of the resolution to be adopted from the program is given below.  
All India Postal Employees Union Group-C
All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/Gr-D
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union
........................................... Division
Resolution Dated 23.12.2011.
  This joint demonstration of NFPE group of unions, ........................Divisional Branch, in presence and participation of  the Small Savings Agents and their organisation , expresses its deep concern and anguish over yet another severe attack on the small savings schemes and also on almost six lakhs SAS agents and their families by means of discontinuation of Kishan Vikas Patra, abolition of bonus in MIS and slashing down the commission of agents to half.
         Years together, small savings schemes are attracting the middle and lower-middle class people of India to save and increment a portion of their hard-earned income to get a guaranteed return. But the new orders are devised to purposefully frustrate them from further investment in this sector, and drive them to invest in various offers of uncertainty. The senior citizens will loose the benefit of bonus which matters to them highly in their days of need. As the post offices are the sole outlets of small savings, less investment in this sector will also result in reduction in work and shrinkage of job opportunity to the unemployed youth of the country in this department. The state governments will also suffer as they use the lion's share of this investment for infrastructural development of the states.
        In the environment of increasing unemployment in our country, SAS agency had been a decent self-employment. Making their income half suddenly by an order in the present condition of inflation and price-rise has left their families in tremendous distress. Apart from decrease in commission, the order has also restricted their scope by closing the doors of PPF and SCSS before them.
      This demonstration condemns the maligned order and demands its immediate scrapping for the interest of the Department of Posts, the unemployed and self-employed sections of citizens as well as for the social security of a large population of our country. The demonstration further demands immediate restoration of KVP, bonus in MIS and the commission of the SAS agents as it was, otherwise countrywide movement will be launched to put a halt to such effort to dismantle the small savings schemes.

                                               (Signature of the President of the meeting)
         Copies of the resolution should be sent to the Prime Minister of India, The Finance Minister, Minister of Communication & IT and the Secretary (Posts), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-1.
       Please send a report of the program to the Circle union positively.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


        Circle Unions have issued a letter to Com. M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE, requesting to consider inclusion of the demand for restoration of KVP, Bonus of MIS and agents' commission at the earlier rate. The Circle Unions have also apprised the Federation of the facts of the organisation of the SAS agents, All India Small Savings Agents Association, and its development. Our Divisional Secretaries are also requested to extend organisational support to their Association. Please note that the demonstration on 23.12.2011 should be organised with their participation. The text of resolution will be given shortly in this blog.
                The letter of the Circle Unions is reproduced below.

All India Postal Employees Union Group-C
All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/Group-D
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union
West Bengal Circle
37, G.C.Avenue, Kolkata-13

No: PC-25/Joint Movement                                                         Dated 20.12.2011.
   Com. M.Krishnan,
   Secy. General,
            Sub: Request for inclusion of demand of restoration of KVP, MIS Bonus & Agents' Commssion.

Dear Comrade,
                        This is to inform you that after consistent efforts for the last few years, the SAS agents of West Bengal has shaped a union of their own. The initiative is now receiving tremendous support from all agents after the recent attack on them, slashing down their commission by half, and on KVP & MIS. As West Bengal attracts the highest investment in small savings, agents here are worst sufferers.
                        Recently, they have organised a State level convention at Moulali Yuva Kendra in Kolkata, where apart from agents from all divisions of West Bengal, representatives attended from other circles also. They have formed a Preparatory Committee for holding State Conference and within January 2012, all district (divisional level) conferences are going to be held. A decision has also been taken to write to all MPs with the request to place their issue in the Parliament. Com. Basudeb Acharya has already assured to put up the issue in Parliament during this session. Gradually, their organisation (All India Small Savings Agents Association) are getting stronger momentum. In the State Convention, Com. Tapan Dasgupta, President, CGCC, and Com. Pijush Roy, General Secretary, CGCC, West Bengal were present by their invitation.
                        We are having close liaison with them and trying to contribute in their initiative. We have also announced a date (23.12.2011) to hold demonstration at all divisional headquarters with their presence and participation. A resolution demanding restoration of KVP, Bonus of MIS and agent commission at the earlier rate will be sent to the Prime Minister, Finance Minister, Minister of Communication & IT and DG(Posts) from the demonstration.
                        Under this situation, the Postal Circle Unions of West Bengal Circle request that considering the graveness of the attack on Small Savings and the agents who actually use to bring the business to post offices, this issue may be included in the strike charter of demands for the indefinite strike to be commenced from 17th January 2012. We also request you to take suitable organisational steps so that SAS agents in all circles get united in this way and form their organisations.
                                    Comradely yours,

                   Janardan Majumdar, Circle Secretary Gr-C
                   Nirmal Ch. Dey, Circle Secretary, Postmen & MSE/Gr-D
                   Bijoy Gopal Sur, Circle Secretarey, EDEU  

Copy to:
  All Divl Secretaries in West Bengal Circle ---- for information and providing organizational support to the branch of SAS Agents’ organization in their divisions.

Monday, December 19, 2011


              North Hooghly Division has opened a zonal union office at Arambagh in a flat newly owned by the divisional unions. The Divisional Unions already have a double-storied union office at the divisional headquareters, Chuchura. The union office at Arambagh has been formally inaugurated yesterday by veteran leader and former Dy. Secretary General, NFPE, Com. Rabindralal Bhattacharya. About 225/230 comrades of North Hooghly Division assembled in the program to witness the event. Circle Unions wish the Divisional Leadership and members all the best to form an even stronger organisation.    

Saturday, December 17, 2011

        The Joint Extended Circle Working Committee held today at 13th floor auditorium of Yogayog Bhavan has discussed the backdrop of the call of revived indefinite strike from 17th January 2012.  All Divisional Secretaries were present and presented their views and plans. Dates of joint working committees of all divisions have also been finalised.

                   The meeting has laid down following preparatory programs to be observed, in addition to those already announced :
  1. On 26.12.2011 : hunger fast from 10 AM to 5 PM at Circle Office and Siliguri R.O.
  2. On 04.01.2012seminar at at 5-30 P.M. at Centenary Hall, Kolkata University. Subject: 'Occupy Wall Street & Fight of Workers of Maruti-Suzuki' by Com. Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU.
  3. On 05.01.2012 : sit-in demonstration at all divisions from 12 noon to 4 P.M.
  4. On 12.01.2012 : wearing badges demanding settlement of strike demands. The content of the badge will be notified by Circle Unions.
  5. From 14.01.2012 to 16.01.2012 : gate meetings at all offices for publicity of strike demands in national interests.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

  1. A joint working committee meeting of four divisional unions of Tamluk division have been held at Dak Karmi Bhavan, Tamluk. Around 60 comrades were present in the meeting, including one lady comrade. Delegates of Circle Conference, P-IV AIC and AIC of Part-time & Contingent-paid workers reported respective programs in front of the house. The meeting has also started serious preparation for the proposed indefinite strike fron 17.01.2012. From Circle Union, Com. Annwesha Biswas spoke on the situation and the ensuing programs.
  2. The divisionsl unions of Burdwan division arranged their joint working committee today at Burdwan H.O. Around 50 comrades were present including one lady comrade. The meeting had detailed discussion on the issues of administrative attacks in the division, instances of political interference by reactioninst forces, Kalyani Circle Conference and P-IV AIC at Indore. The dates from meetings at different zones had been finalised. The attacks on the workers, on small savings and the significance of the ensuing indefinite strike had been elaborated by Com. Bijan Chakraborty and Com. Bikash Ghosh, from Gr-C & P-IV Circle Unions respectively.   
  3. The Group-C divisional union of Howrah division arranged a special drive for awareness in technology and overview of the departmental software, including an interactive session today at the Computer Training Center of Howrah H.O. Selected 19 comrades were present for the day long program. System Assistant comrades of Howrah division shared their expertise and experience with others in the seminar. Other divisions may also consider holding such classes as it would be a very useful one for the comrades. From Circle Union, Com. Samir Chakraborty was present.
  4. A team of Circle Union is visiting Sikkim division now, comprising of Com. Janardan Majumder, Com. Asit Das, Com. Mukkul Das et. al. for organisational purposes. A remarkable meeting has been finished few hours before at Gangtok. The report and the detail will appear in the blog shortly.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

      Central JCA has changed the date of commencement of the indefinite strike from 3rd January to 17th January 2012. The date of serving the strike notice remains the same. The Circle Unions will serve the strike notice at Yogayog Bhavan on 15.12.11 through a demonstration. Leaders and comrades of division and branches of Kolkata will assemble at Yogayog Bhavan on that date. These divisions (in Kolkata) will serve strike notice in their divisions / branches on 20.12.11. However, other divisions will serve the notice on 15th December.
                Following programs are announced by the Circle Unions in the offing.
  1. All divisions and branches are requested to convene extended working committee, general body meeting without least delay for preparation of strike.
  2. On 17.12.2011, an Extended Circle Working Committee meeting is convened , next Saturday, in Kolkata. The notice has been issued. All secretaries of all unions are to attend the meeting without fail.
  3. On 22.12.2011, a voluntary blood donation camp has been arranged at the South verandah of Kolkata GPO, to observe the death anniversary of Com. K.G.Bose like each year. Comrades are requested to come forward to make the initiative successful.
  4. On 23.12.2011, protest-demonstrations are to be held at recess hours in all branches and divisions against the latest attack on the Small Savings scheme and also on the SAS agents. The Circle Unions have issued a letter to all secretaries to take sincere effort to ensure involvement and participation of all SAS agents in the program, as they are also uniting by forming their organisation. A resolution has to be adopted from the program and to be sent to the Prime Minister, Finance Minister, Minister of Communication & IT and the Secretary (Posts). The text of the resolution will be given in this blog.
  5. On 31.12.2011, an Extended General Council meeting of CG Coordination Committee will be held at ABTA Hall (Satyapriya Bhavan) at Ganesh Ch. Avenue, Kolkata at 11 A.M. All secretaries of divisions/branches in & around Kolkata and District Secretaries of CGCC have to attend the meeting taking leave of their own.
                     All comrades are requested to put maximum effort for success of the above programs. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

      Central JCA has finally decided to revive the postponed indefinite strike of 5th July 2011 again from 03.01.2012 as the department is acting  unilaterally and no satisfactory or effective step has been taken so far to implement the assurances given during discussions on the demands of the indefinite strike called from 5th July 2011. 
       All employees of the department is experiencing that nothing has changed despite the assurances. The situation of GDS employees and Part-time & contingent-paid workers are still the same. The department is desperate to implement Mail Network Optimisation Project, which is a brain-child of the infamous Mckinsey Consultancy, despite vehement objection of the entire staff-side. The meeting of the JCM Departmental Council is purposefully delayed to avoid the compulsion of statutory discussion with the staff-side. The Federation leadership has detailed the backdrop in its blog.
         The JCA has directed us to serve strike notice on 15.12.2011 with huge gathering of our comrades. As we do not have much time in our hands, our leaders and members are requested to please act immediately and jump into campaigning and revive the preparation. The contents of the charter of demands is already known to everyone. So it would not be difficult to take adequate preparation. Let us vouch to stall the postal functioning of West Bengal since 03.01.2012, if the department does not amend itself to implement the assurances right now.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


           The NFPE Group of Postal Circle Unions have convened a demonstration at the Circle Office on 9th December 2011, Friday, at 1-30 P.M. at 6th floor. The main demands are :
  1. Settlement of irregular transfer orders during rotational memo this year issued by the SPOs, Barasat Divn. On this, the Circle Union has issued series of letters to the PMG, Kolkata Region since 13.7.2011 and had repeated discussions with both PMG and DPS, Kolkata Region. Though they have admitted our points, have done nothing so far despite assurances. This way, they have made us to initiate organisational programs from now on which would be made intense if required.
  2. Stoppage of diversion of booking of UIDAI and Print to Post articles from Kolkata GPO to other Business Offices and even outsource. GPO is having adequate manpower and computers to handle the entire work initially entrusted, but for reasons beyond our understanding, it has been diverted. Facing protest from our organisation, a portion of the work has again been reallotted to GPO, but we want complete reversion of the situation as it was.
  3. Return of staffs deputed to C.O. without justification to parent divisions. At personal will of some authorities, a number of staffs are presently attached to the C.O. They do not have specific work, apart from those intended every morning by the officer. It is his personal style of working. Though it has been assured that they would be returned to respective divisions within 31st November, it did not materialise. We cannot let this continue to satisfy some personal style of working.
                       There also will be some other issues of divisions under Kolkata Region. Secretaries are requested to please bring it under the notice of the Circle Union if any such issue is pending for long in their divisions. All secretaries of divisions in and around Kolkata are requested to mobilise comrades to attend the demonstration in huge number.     

Sunday, December 4, 2011


         As per the call of the Central Trade Unions, thousands of workers and employees have rocked the roads of the capital of our country against the intention of the Central Govt to put up Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority Bill in the running winter session of the Parliament. When most of the countries of the world, even the developed countries, are suffering from increasing unemployment and slow growth rates due to adopting neo-economic policies, our Central Govt is still not giving up their plans on the same road-map.

         The government is facing financial hardship due to their own financial policies, but choosing the funds in which middle or lower middle class citizens of our country invest or keep their meager savings to pump in money to the share market to inflate the market. This is at the cost of the social security of the workers and employees and we cannot accept that. From West Bengal, a significant number of young comrades have also enthusiastically walked along the experienced comrades and raised their voices. Participation from different divisions were as follows : Coochbehar, Jalpaiguri, Nadia South, Darjeeling, East Kolkata -  4 each, Birbhum, South Hooghly, North Hooghly, Contai, Central Kolkata - 3 each, Midnapore, Purulia - 5 each, Barasat - 2, South Kolkata, Alipore - 1 each, South Presidency - 7 (4 P.A.s attended from this division had not yet completed even a year of their service), Gr-C & Postmen & Gr-D and SBCO Circle Unions - 7. Among the above representation, one from Darjeeling and three from East Kolkata were lady comrades.

         We resolve to strengthen our movement in future and let us start the preparation for the strike called by all Central Trade Unions and Federations, tentatively on 28th February 2012.