- The Postmaster cadre Grade-I memo has been issued from Circle Office for the 49 new candidates who have qualified this year. Circle Union has been consistently pursuing the postings since the result was published. The officials have mostly been posted at their convenient places. We thank the Circle authorities for the positive consideration.
- On 12.7.11, a detailed discussion has been held with Sri Sanjeev Ranjan, DPS(HQ), on issuance of LSG memo. More than 350 PAs will be promoted to LSG. DPCs will be arranged shortly. Divl Secretaries are requested to please pursue.
- The matter of In-House Training for newly recruited PAs --- 2 each in Malda & Coochbehar Divisions and 1 in DInajpur Divn --- has also been discussed. Divl Supdts are to take the main initiatives, C.O. / R.O. will assist with providing place for training and trainer. Divl secretaries of these divisions are requested to follow up and intimate circle union the status.
- Some Rule-38 cases of officials having urgent family compulsions and mutual applications have been pursued.
- With another meeting with the PMG(South Bengal) Com. Janardan Majumder, Com. Nirmal Dey & Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur have requested to resolve ongoing problems in South Hooghly Divn, mainly at Tarakeswar.
- Irregular activities of the Divl Supdt, Tamluk, have also been highlighted. It has been decided that another meeting will be held shortly in presence of the divl secretaries to solve the problems.
- On 13.7.11, a delegation of circle union comprising of Com. Janardan Majumder & Com. Asim Deb met the PMG(Kol. Rgn). Com. Abhijit Kundu & Com. Asit Das from Barasat Divn were also present to discuss numerous irregularities in recent PA tenure transfer memo of Barasat divn. The Divl Supdt has posted female employees to offices at the distance of 60-70 kms without any consideration. He has selected only members of NFPE to vindicate in this fashion. He even did not care to bother to the Dte. guideline of involving less transfer TA etc although nearby offices had the vacancies.Circle Union has handed over a letter to the PMG having the detail requesting for modification.She has assured to look into the matter.
- Recently, the Supdt, Birbhum Divn, has unilaterally removed Sri Jayanta Dey from the work of System Assistant, Santiniketan. The matter has been taken up with the C.O. This will again be discussed with the DPS(KR).