Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our beloved General Secretary Com. K.V.Sridharan has retired on superannuation today from the post of Asstt. Chief Postmaster, Chennai GPO. He was in the office for last 6 years and during his incumbency, the entire Postal movement got a new momentum with the invaluable supports of Comrades K.Raghavendra and Com. M.Krishnan.

    We wish him a very happy future life and expect more from him in the movement of confederation to unify the movement of the working class in our country in the coming days.
    Comrade Parul Bose, veteran leader of democratic mass movement, soldier of anti-British movements like support struggles of Naval Revolt in 1940s, participant of Tebhaga Movement of the poor peasants of undivided Bengal, support campaigner of P & T Labourer Movements since 1940s, has left us forever at the dawn of Sunday, the 27th May 2012 at a nursing home in Beleghata, Kolkata, near her home. She was more close to us, known and revered as the wife and companion, in the truest sense of the term, of our legendary leader --- Com. K.G.Bose.
          She grew up through the hardship of poverty since childhood. She did not hesitate to accept the stringency for getting married to Com. K.G.Bose in 1950. She struggled with the family when during the days of political victimisation and tortures, Com. K.G. and his brother Com. Mani Bose both had to live elsewhere to avoid attacks or thrown behind the bars by the Government. Com. Parul Bose joined as a teacher of Beleghata Deshbandhu Balika Vidyalaya (named after freedom fighter and Congress leader Barrister Chittaranjan Das) to maintain the family.
           During the era of semi-fascist terror in 1970s, political and Naxalite goons attacked her in her school and stabbed her repeatedly with knife. Her recovery took a lot of agony and pain for days. Still it could not abate her determination and she continued her association and participation with left democratic movement. In 1970s, when the Govt itself brought down political attacks and revengeful atrocities, she also had to leave the Beleghata house and live at Bhawanipore area in Kolkata for safety. After untimely demise of Com. K.G.Bose in December 1974 in London, Com. Parul Bose went on through her life with their two sons with unabated participation with the struggle of the working class of Bengal, except for the last few years when the age and ailment confined her at home. Each year on the day of death anniversary of Com. K.G.Bose, leaders of Postal and Telecom movements use to visit their Beleghata home to pay homage to Com. K.G. This year, Com. Parul Bose made all to pay an untimely visit on Sunday morning with heavy hearts.
             Com. Parul Bose has left us at the age of 86 years. But the legacy of such leaders never leaves. The ever-flowing tradition of class-awareness and reverence to the sacrifices of these legends will go on inspiring our younger forces forever, and the red flag will continue being raised in new hands.   
              Au Revoir Comrade Parul Bose. Long Live the legacy.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

    The State 12th July Committee has today decided to instruct all affiliate organisations, Central Govt, State Govt, Educational Institutions etc., to stage protest against the anti-people decision of steep price-hike of Petrol. Though the Central Govt is trying to shirk responsibility on the plea that it is the decision of the oil companies, they did not suppress their support to the decision as they are ratifying it.
   All comrades are accordingly instructed to hold recess-hours demonstration at prominent offices on 28th May, 2012 and send a resolution in the following text to the Prime Minister of India through fax  (no. 011-2301-7931/2301-6857) against this ruthless decision. 
Text of the Resolution

Resolution Dated 28.05.2012
=== Protest against abnormal price-hike of petrol xxx Demand immediate withdrawal of increased price and revise the rate of taxes imposed ===.

    Please note that our previous experiences show that although such programs are observed as per the calls, copies of the resolutions are not always sent with proper care. Realising the gravity of this program, all comrades are requested to fax the resolution positively.

A meeting has been convened by the Circle Unions remembering the ever-lasting memory and legacy of late Com. Nani Banerjee on 6th June 2012 at Subarno Banik Samaj Hall on Ganesh Chandra Avenue, near Circle Union office. All Circle office-bearers, Divl & Branch Secretaries and activists are requested to remain present to render our reverence for inimitable Com. Nani da.

Monday, May 21, 2012


    Comrade Nani Banerjee, one of the most respected and revered leaders of the Postal movement across the country and  former Deputy General Secretary of Group-C (CHQ), breathed his last this morning at about 6 A.M. in a South Kolkata Hospital near his residence at Jadabpur.
   Comrade Nani Banerjee started his service career in this department in 1953 in Burdwan Division and became the Divisional Secretary in early 1960s. He was contemporary to stalwarts of P & T movement like Com. K.G.Bose, Mani Bose, A.S.Rajan, K.L.Moza. He fought valiantly during 1970s in the battle with the Central Govt when the recognition of our organisation was withdrawn and no Foreign Service was admissible. At that time CHQ could not afford to pay full salary to CHQ office bearers on Fgn service, but despite stringent financial condition, Com. Nani da did not give up and continued as the CHQ Treasurer. Later, when Com. K.L.Moza became General Secretary, he first became the Assistant General Secretary, then his rendition and contribution made him the first Deputy General Secretary of our CHQ till 1997, when he came back home due to compulsion under CCS (RSA) Rules as retired.
     In West Bengal Circle, after Com. K.G.Bose's death in December 1974, he was elected as Circle Secretary, Group-C, from Circle Council in 1975. Later, when Com. Rabindra Lal Bhattacharya took over the charge as Circle Secretary, he took the charge of Organising Secretary and then, President of the Circle Union.
     In 1993 Malda Circle Conference, Com. Nani Banerjee and Com. R.L.Bhattacharya both voluntarily relinquished respective charges of the Circle Union as both of them were heavily engaged at CHQ and Federation. But he continued coming to Circle Union office as long as his physical ability allowed him to.
    But a sudden fall at home few years back resulted in fractures and restriction of his movement. This confinement took a toll on his mental condition also as he could not dream of living a life in bed, not seeing his comrades and monitoring daily union activities. Gradually his health deteriorated. Since last year he had to be admitted to hospital repeatedly. He was finally sent to hospital again few days back in coma stage, and could not make it any more.
    The whole life of Comrade Nani Banerjee was truly an awe-inspiring tale of sacrifice. His responsibility towards his comrades did not allow him to take care of his family much, but he never repented that. Organisation, in his life, was the unquestionable priority. Hundreds of young comrades got inspired from his life and leadership and many of them are now leading our organisation at different tires. One could barely think how he disguised his strength and power of commitment behind those soft and humble words when he used to speak. We did not see many leaders these days, for whom large numbers of comrades waited at railway stations to meet while his train was passing through.
     Comrade Nani Banerjee is living, and will live  with us forever. For, death can cease a breath, not an ideology, which he indeed was.          

Sunday, May 20, 2012

      The Hunger Fast Program called jointly by central leadership of NFPE and FNPO tomorrow has been declared deferred. The reluctance and inaction of the Postal Directorate to act upon the agreed decisions on the strike charter of demand triggered calling the program. But as the Secretary (Posts) has convened a meeting on those issues tomorrow at 11 A.M., the leadership has decided to defer the program and wait for the result of the discussion.
           Accordingly, the program declared in our Circle for tomorrow is also postponed.   

Saturday, May 19, 2012

As a part of the recent endeavour taken up by our Divisional and Branch Unions to cultivate departmental rulings and enhance knowledge of rules, we would like you to know that apart from the compilations of the Swamy Publishers, all departmental Manuals and Volumes are sold by some other publishers also. Phone number, e-mail id and address of one such publisher is given below. Please understand that we are only sharing the information of availability as we have obtained from 'sapost' blog. Comrades are to satisfy themselves before placing orders. 

251/A, Baba Farid Puri, 
West Patel Nagar, 
New Delhi -110008 
Phone Nos. 9868790657,9810353797, 011-25882753/25880816 
Email ID-

Books for Postmaster Grade I in PO’s 

1. V.K.Balan’s Master Guide for DC Exam for the Post of 

Postmaster Grade I in Po’s 2011-12 ed                                 Rs. 875/- 

Books for Postal Operations - For Detailed Study 

1. Nabhi’s RTI Act one should know 2011 ed                       Rs. 190/- 

2. Swamy CCS CCA Rule 2012                                              Rs. 300/- 

3. Swamy CCS Conduct Rule 2012                                         Rs. 175/- 

4. Swamy FHB Vol I 2009 ed                                                  Rs 390/- 

5. DOP’s FHB Vol II 1985 ed                                                Rs. 200/- 

6. Upkar’s Computer General Awareness                             Rs. 40/- 

7. Upkar’s Latest General Knowledge 2011                         Rs. 120/- 

8. Postal Manuals Vol II, III, IV, V, VI, Pt.I, II,III, VII, VIII 

PO Guide Pt I, II, IV (Call for Prices) 

Books for LGO (PA/SA) Exam 

1. V.K. Balan’s Master Guide to LGO’s (PA/SA) 2011-12 (Eng) Rs. 325/- 

2. Kairali’s Master Guide to LGO’s in Hindi 2011-12 ed 

(as per new syllabus) Rs. 350/- 
3. Upkar Vastu Nisht ganith (Objective Arithamatic) ( Hindi) Rs. 215/-

4. Upkar quicker objective arithamatic (English) Rs. 199/-
Help Book 
1. Postal Manual Vol V (Diglot)                                             Rs. 300/- 

2. Postal Manual Vol VII (For RMS) (Diglot)                       Rs. 250/- 

3. Post Office Guide Part I (Diglot)                                       Rs. 350/- 

4. Post Office Guide Part II (Diglot)                                      Rs. 300/- 

5. Post Office Guide Part IV (Diglot)                                     Rs. 200/- 

6. Postal Manual Vol VI Pt I, II, III (Eng & Hindi)               Rs. 800/-each 

Books for PS Group ‘B’/Postmaster Group B Exam 

1. V.K.Balan’s Master Guide for P S Group B/PMs 

(Paper I-II) 2011-12 Under print 

2. Postal Manual Vol II, III, IV, VII, VIII & Post Office Guide 

Part I, Pt II, Pt III (Call for Prices) Hindi/English ed 1985ed 

3. Hand Book for Material Management By S. Gopala Krishnan Rs. 295/- 

4. PO Small Savings Schemes Vol I,II, III By Kawaljeet Singh (ADG) Rs . 620/- 

5. Hand Book PO SSS 2011ed By Kawaljeet Singh Rs. 120/- 

6. Swamy Manual on Office Procedure 2012 Under Print 

7. Swamy Manual on Establishment & Administration 2012ed Rs. 925/- 

8. Upkar’s Ever latest General Knowledge                          Rs. 120/- 

9. Bahari’s Manual on office procedure 2008                       Rs .250/- 

Books for Paper II 

1. Swamy CCS Conduct Rule 2012                                       Rs. 175/- 

2. Swamy CCS CCA Rules 2012                                           Rs. 300/- 

3. Swamy General Financial Rules 2010                               Rs. 230/- 

4. Swamy FRSR Part I 2011 (General Rule)                         Rs. 410/- 

5. Swamy FRSR Part II 2012 (TA Rule)                               Rs. 200/- 

6. Swamy’s FRSR Part III (CCS Leave Rules 2011)           Rs. 150/- 

7. Swamy FRSR Part IV (DA & HRA) 2011                        Rs. 215/- 

8. Swamy FHB Vol I Rs. 390/- 

9. Dop FHB Vol II(Diglot edn) Rs 200/- 

Hand Book 2012 

Swamy Hand Book for Central Government Employees 2012 Rs. 240/- 

Nabhi’s referencer for Central Governmet Employee 2012     Rs.240/- 

Bahari’s Hand Book for Central Government Employee 2012 Rs. 240/- 

Nabhi’s Year Book for C G Employees 2012 (Hindi)                Rs. 240/- 

Bahari’s Kendriya Karmachari Niyamavali 2012                       Rs. 240/- 

Friday, May 18, 2012

    Comrades are well aware of the administrative decision to install a new AMPC machine at Kolkata Airport Sorting. The Letter Sorting Machine has the capacity of sorting 36,000 letters per hour, while the Mixed Mail Sorting Machine will sort 18,000 mail per hour.
    All mails originating from the city of Kolkata are going to be routed only through this AMPC at AP Sorting bypassing Kolkata RMS --- the biggest RMS establishment of the department. As a result, Kolkata RMS will eventually dry up and abolished finally. The staffs, in case of that situation, would be having no option but to accept displacement or retrenchment. Again, many of the related work of the AMPC are planned to be managed by outsider DRMs. But the contingent-paid staffs and DRMs working for long in Kolkata RMS are not covered with any guarantee that they would be allowed to continue there.
     Such being the situation, all divisional unions are requested to hold a recess hours demonstration tomorrow at Divl headquarters and send a resolution from that demonstration to the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle by fax/ post. The fax no. is 033-2212-0811.
     Text of the resolution is given below.
Resolution Dated 18.05.2012.  
     This joint demonstration of NFPE Group of Unions, ................ Branch/ Division, vehemently oppose and protest against the manner and procedure of the installation and functioning of the AMPC at Kolkata A.P. Stg., by which the establishment of the Kolkata RMS will be in deep trouble and the staffs would face displacement. 
   This mass demonstration also expresses its concern over the plan of outsourcing of different part of related work, but without providing assurance of continuation of the DRMs/ contingent-paid staffs working at Kolkata RMS since long.
   This demonstration further resolves to go on with stronger series of movements if the administration does not refrain itself from i) making any step that may lead to displacement of the staffs of Kolkata RMS, ii) outsourcing any related work  avoiding departmental staffs, and iii) engaging new DRMs without guarantee of continuation of the already working ones at Kolkata RMS thus rendering them jobless all on a sudden.

(Signature of President of the demonstration)

Friday, May 11, 2012


Com. Nripendranath Mahato.

Sri Swapan Adhikary.

Attentive Participants.

Com. Pradip Dutta.

Com. Annwesha Biswas.
  Midnapore Divisional Unions organised study camp on departmental rulings, RTI Act and Computer troubleshooting on 5th May 2012 at Com. Sushil Ghosh Memorial Hall, Dak Shramik Bhavan, Medinipur.
     The camp was organised mainly for SPMs and activists of Group-C cadre, and was presided by Com. Birendranath Maity and Com. Nripendranath Mahato. Around 80 comrades participated in the camp. 
        In the camp, Com. Jyotiprakash Tripathi and Com. Nripen Mahato spoke on RTI Act. Com. Pradip Dutta explained different ways of day to day software troubleshooting for our computerised offices. Sri Swapan Adhikary, ASRM, Howrah RMS, spoke on Disciplinary Proceedings. Com. Annwesha Biswas, Asstt. Fin. Secretary, Group-C Circle Union, spoke on the current organisational situation and our tasks. Divisional Unions have also published a concise book on the above matters.
         The effort would certainly satisfy the demand and requirement of our comrades. But while congratulating Midnapore Divisional Unions, the Circle Union also likes to mention that the speakers in such camps should be from our organisation. We have many articulated and knowledgable leaders guiding us on rules and disciplinary proceedings for years together, it is beneficial from our point of view to share their expertise. Though we sincerely thank Sri Adhikary for his kind presence and deliberation which helped our comrades a lot, we suggest our divisional unions to cultivate these more within the organisation.
        Remaining divisions are requested to arrange the camp like Howrah, Barasat, South Hooghly, Asansol and Midnapore.   

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

     Comrades are requested to please take notes of correction to yesterday's blog regarding the Confederation programs finalised by the National Executive of Confederation at Kolkata on 28th April 2012.
    The date of March to Parliament has been fixed on 26th July 2012. Comrades have to reach by 25th July and depart not earlier than 26th evening. The date of strike would be within last fortnight of November and first week of December 2012.  
   Please take your preparations accordingly.
   B.D. & Mktg. Directorate has issued order on 11.04.2012 clarifying that Speed Post containing passports (envelopes of these articles are always superscribed such) can also be delivered to the authorised representatives of the addressee. Delivery of passports has been a consistent problem for our delivery staffs as a large number of the addressees are found residing outstation for job or other purposes. Many complaints have also been generated with such contentions. People also faced lot of troubles to get passports in this manner. This order will help redressing the problem for all. Our delivery staffs and SPMs/PMs are requested to please remain careful about the authorisation by the addressee in such cases.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

                             NFPE  GROUP  OF  CIRCLE  UNIONS, WEST  BENGAL

  • The Confederation has called March to Parliament on 26th May 2012 on the chartered demands like movement against Privatisation, outsourcing of permanent work, demands of casual labourers, merger of D.A. exceeding 50% with basic pay etc.  At least three comrades from each division should join the March and for that purpose, reach New Dekhi by 25th May. The return tickets may be booked not earlier than 26th May evening. Please book your tickets immediately.
  • The 28th All India Conferences of All India Administrative Offices Employees Union Group-C and Group-D have been held from 28th - 30th April 2012 at the P & T Auditorium at Salt Lake, Kolkata. About 150 delegates attended the conference from all over the country. Com. M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE, inaugurated the conference. Com. I.S.Dabas, Gen Secy P-IV, Com. Giriraj Singh, Gen Secy, R-III, Com. Suresh, Gen Secy R-IV, were also present. Circle Secretaries and Prominent leaders like Com. Shib Sankar Roy, Com. Rabindralal Bhattacharya also visited the conference. The conference discussed the problems of the administrative employees including those of postal & RMS wings as well as the common ones of the department. The programs of NFPE and Confederation were also discussed in details. The conference unanimously elected Com. T.Ramesh (Andhra Pradesh) as the President, Com. Pranab Bhattacharya (W.B.) as General Secretary, Com. Maya Ram (Haryana) as Treasurer. From West Bengal Com. Umasankar Chakraborty and Com. Paritosh Kr. Das had been elected as the Vice-President and Org. Secretary respectively.    
  • The National Executive of the Confederation met at Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata, on 28th April 2012. Apart from the program of the March to Parliament, Confederation has also decided to announce one day token strike in October or November this year if the development is not seen in coming days.
  • NFPE and FNPO have jointly called a program of hunger fast on 21st May 2012 at Dak Bhawan and all Chief PMG offices from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., against the delay in settlement of the items in the charter of demands. Comrades are requested to take preparations accordingly to join in huge numbers on that date at our Circle Office to make the program successful.

Haymarket Martyrs Monument in Forest Home Cemetery

         On 4th May 1886, Police arrested the Labour-Leaders from a protest-meeting at the Hay Market Square demanding 8 hours work for the labourers. Police arrested them in charge of throwing bomb, but during the trial, Police or the State could not establish the identity of any bomber or modus operendi. Yet, the prejudiced judiciary pronounced the life-sentence for seven defendants, and finally, on November 11, 1887, four defendants, Spies, Parsons, Fischer and Engel were taken to the gallows. They sang the anthem of the international revolutionary movement. In the moments before the men were hanged, Spies shouted, "The time will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you strangle today!" 
         In today's world of exploitation and extortion on the labourers, we salute the sacrifices of all workers worldwide, and vouch to fight till the goal of equality, jusstice and bread for all in this planet.