Thursday, October 17, 2013


   The GDS(NFPE) CHQ has called a program of March to Parliament on 11.12.2013, which has been endorsed and patronised by NFPE. Since its formation, this new All India Union has called such a program for the first time, so it is a challenge for us to make it successful. All divisions/units of our Circle are requested to arrange for sending 10 GDS comrades to participate in the March. 
    The participants will also have to attend the convention of all Central Trade Unions on the next day, i.e., 12.12.2013 in New Delhi. So comrades are required to book their journey to reach New Delhi by 10.12.2013 and leave not before 12th night. All divl/branch unions are requested to help respective GDS unions by all means as far as possible and practicable.

   As we are in our final days for preparation for the joint bi-ennial circle conference from 27-30 October 2013 in Central Kolkata Division, we felt that our delegates and visitors should go through some useful information and guidelines finalised by the Circle Unions and the Reception Committee, which are enumerated below.

  1. The flag hoisting will take place sharp at 10 A.M. on 27.10.13 without fail due to time constraint of the hall (Mahajati Sadan).
  2. Delegates/observers of all divisions/units will compulsorily report on 26th night at Reception Committee's office at Tarapada Memorial Hall (Circle Union Office). Pl take note that alongwith North Bengal, delegates/observers of Tamluk-Contai-Bankura-Midnapur-Purulia-Birbhum-Asansol-Burdwan-Murshidabad-North Nadia Divisions will also report on 26th.
  3. Delegates/visitors should bring bedsheets/mosquito nets as per individual requirements.
  4. All divns/units should come with their flag-festoons.
  5. All dues including CGCC organisational fund should be deposited at Cirle Conference. Amounts of dues have already been circulated by circle union.
  6. As NFPE HQ is facing acute financial crisis, all divisions/units are requested to come to circle conference with the quota of NFPE upto October 2013 and hand it over to Com. M.Krishnan, SG, NFPE.
  7. The subject sessions will take place at the following venues : Group-C: Yogayog Bhavan auditorium (13th floor), Postmen & Gr-D/MSE: Subarna Banik Samaj Hall, GDS (NFPE): Satyapriya Bhavan (ABTA Hall). 
  8. The accommodation has been arranged at Maheswari Dharmashala near C.R.Avenue P.O. and at Tibrawala Dharmashala near Mahajati Sadan. At the second place, an exhibition will be arranged on P&T trade union movement which will remain on display till 30.10.13. All are requested to pay visits there for some time. Separate arrangement will be made for women comrades. The venue for meal is a community hall hired near Princep St P.O.
  9. The rally will start on 28th at 4 P.M. from Yogayog Bhavan south gate to Mahajati Sadan via Nirmal Ch Dey st & College st. A cultural event has been arranged there (Mahajati Sadan) after the rally, where a drama 'Mukti Diksha' written by Utpal Dutta and edited by Mohit Chattopadhyay will be staged. Eminent Director Sri Tarun Majumdar & acclaimed painter Wasim Kapoor will be present there with us.
  10. Before the Circle Conference, The Circle Mohila Convention will take place on 26th October at Barrackpore Dayamoyee Villa near Barrackpore Rly stn. Educationist and former MP Com. Malini Bhattacharya will inaugurate it.
  11. Please strictly adhere to the program schedule already circulated by the Reception Committee. Please maintain discipline as per tradition of our Circle Unions.
  12. In cases of necessity, phone no.s of some reception committee members are given here. Please have these noted with you before and during the conference. Com. Lalbahadur Patra 94324-44261, Com. Bibhas Ghara (convenor, accommodation sub-committee) 94779-68993, Com. Dipak Basak 94331-26902, Com. Satyen Singh 94330-48803.
             Please again note that all divisions/units have to report first, on arrival, to the Reception Committee Office at Tarapada Memorial Hall (Circle Union Office) with credentials.  

Friday, October 11, 2013


     All delegates and visitors attending the joint bi-ennial circle conference have to report first to Tarapada Memorial Hall (Circle Union Building) and complete the process of credentials. 

   Distant divisions are requested to reach by 26.10.2013 evening and report there, while Kolkata and neighbouring divisions will have to attend on 27th, the first day of conference, within 9 A.M. and report at Tarapada first in the same way. Secretaries of divisions reaching on 26th evening will please intimate the number of delegates and visitors in advance to the reception committee for convenience of arrangements. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

37, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata-700013

No. PC-34/Circle Conference/2013 Dated: 01.10.2013
The Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Sub: Holding of Circle Conference.

Dear Sir,
This is for your kind intimation that the 36th Circle Conference of this Union is going to be held on & from 27.10.2013 to 30.10.2013 at Yogayog Bhavan Auditorium Hall (13th floor), Kolkata-700012. A copy of the notice of the said conference is enclosed for ready reference.

You are requested to cause suitable action so that special casual leave, taking transit period is granted to the delegates and Circle Union Office Bearers to enable them to attend the conference timely.

Thanking you. Yours faithfully
Encl: 1(one) Circle Secretary

Copy to :
1-3) The Postmaster General, Kolkata/ South Bengal/ North Bengal & Sikkim Region. – for favour of information and causing suitable action in this respect.
4-6) The Director of Postal Services, Kolkata GPO/Andaman & Nicobor Island/ Sikkim State for causing suitable action.
7-37) All Sr. Supdt./ Supdt. Posts in West Bengal Circle for granting of Special Casual Leave to the Circle Union Office Bearers & Delegates of Branch/ Divisional Union.
38) The Chief Postmaster Barabazar HO for favour of suitable action.
39) The Sr. Postmaster, Alipore HO for favour of suitable action.
40-53) The Circle Union Office Bearers for information. They are requested to
reach Kolkata by afternoon of 26.10.2013 positively.
54-90) All Branch/Divisional Secretaries for information. They are requested to
reach the venue by evening of 26.10.2013. They are also requested to
intimate well in advance their actual number of delegates and time of
arrival to the reception committee at Central Kolkata (including Park
Street Br.)
Circle Secretary.

37, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata-700013

No. PC-34/Circle Conference Dated: 26/09/2013


Under the provision of Article 30 of the Constitution of All India Postal Employees Union Group-C, 36th Circle Conference of AIPEU Group C, West Bengal Circle Branch will be held at Yogayog Bhavan Auditorium Hall(13th floor), Kolkata-700012 from 27.10.2013 to 30.10.2013. The session of the subject committee will commence at 17.00 hours of 27.10.2013 before which the inaugural session will be held at 10.00 hours at Mahajati Sadan, Kolkata.

Items of agenda of the ensuing Circle Conference are as follow:-

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of 35th Circle Conference held at Kalyani from 16.10.2011-19.10.2011.
2. Consideration and adoption of draft Biennial Report for the period 2011-12 and 2012-13.
3. Consideration and adoption of audited Accounts for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13.
4. Organizational Review based on Biennial Report.
5. Adoption of resolutions on Policy and Programme.
6. Attack on Pension and our present tasks.
7. Curtailment of Trade Union Rights & Role of Administration at all levels.
8. Review of general and common demands.
9. Attack on Postal Services.
10. Proposed Post Bank of India.
11. Introduction of various Postal services and necessary requirements.
12. Cadre oriented problems including on Computerization.
13. Problems of working women and our task thereto.
14. Resolutions on various staff problems.
15. Publications and circulations of union journals.
16. Election of (i) Circle union office bearers (ii) Supreme Councillors.
17. Appointment of Auditor.
18. Adoption of Budget estimates for the year 2013-14 & 2014-15.
19. Venue of next Circle Conference.
20. Any other item with permission of the chair.

All the delegates duly elected by the branch/divisional conferences/General body
Meetings and ex-officio delegates are requested to attend the conference timely.
( Janardan Majumdar)
Circle Secretary