Saturday, October 5, 2013

37, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata-700013

No. PC-34/Circle Conference Dated: 26/09/2013


Under the provision of Article 30 of the Constitution of All India Postal Employees Union Group-C, 36th Circle Conference of AIPEU Group C, West Bengal Circle Branch will be held at Yogayog Bhavan Auditorium Hall(13th floor), Kolkata-700012 from 27.10.2013 to 30.10.2013. The session of the subject committee will commence at 17.00 hours of 27.10.2013 before which the inaugural session will be held at 10.00 hours at Mahajati Sadan, Kolkata.

Items of agenda of the ensuing Circle Conference are as follow:-

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of 35th Circle Conference held at Kalyani from 16.10.2011-19.10.2011.
2. Consideration and adoption of draft Biennial Report for the period 2011-12 and 2012-13.
3. Consideration and adoption of audited Accounts for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13.
4. Organizational Review based on Biennial Report.
5. Adoption of resolutions on Policy and Programme.
6. Attack on Pension and our present tasks.
7. Curtailment of Trade Union Rights & Role of Administration at all levels.
8. Review of general and common demands.
9. Attack on Postal Services.
10. Proposed Post Bank of India.
11. Introduction of various Postal services and necessary requirements.
12. Cadre oriented problems including on Computerization.
13. Problems of working women and our task thereto.
14. Resolutions on various staff problems.
15. Publications and circulations of union journals.
16. Election of (i) Circle union office bearers (ii) Supreme Councillors.
17. Appointment of Auditor.
18. Adoption of Budget estimates for the year 2013-14 & 2014-15.
19. Venue of next Circle Conference.
20. Any other item with permission of the chair.

All the delegates duly elected by the branch/divisional conferences/General body
Meetings and ex-officio delegates are requested to attend the conference timely.
( Janardan Majumdar)
Circle Secretary

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