Jt Biennial
Conference of Kalkata Fgn. Post Branch.
The joint Biennial Branch Conference
of AIPEU, Gr. "C" and Postmen & MTS, Kolkata Fgn. Post held on
23.12.17 at Fgn. Post office, 12, Kiran Shankar Roy Road, Kolkata - 700001.
First all comrades paid floral tributes to homage on Marty's column. Com. Tarak
Chakraborty, President, Gr " C" and Com. Ashok Das, Vice President,
Postmen & MTS presided over the conference. Com Annwesha Biswas, C/S, Gr
"C", Com. Sanatan Das, C/S, Postmen & MTS, Com Sukumar Mondal, Circle President,
Postmen & MTS, Com. Adhir Das, Asstt C/S, Gr "C", Com Bibhas
Ghara, Asstt F/S , Gr "C" and my self attend the conference. The
Secretary and Financial Secretary/ Treasurer have placed draft report and
audited accounts before the house. 5 (five) comrades took part on discussion on
draft report and audited accounts. Com. Annwesha Biswas, C/S Gr. "C"
and Com Sanatan Das, C/S Postmen & MTS have delivered their speech and also
nicely given the reply of all points raised by the members on occasion of Jt
Branch Conference. Their after Branch Secretaries are given the reply on
biennial report.
Com Ravi Dutta, Com Amit Majumdar and Com Surojit
Dutta elected unanimously as President, Secretary and Financial Secretary of
AIPEU Gr "C". Com Ashok Das, Com Kamal Majumdar and Com Subrata Mohan
Chakraborty elected unanimously as President, Secretary and Treasurer of AIPEU,
Postmen & MTS.