Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
At the call of Co-ordination Committee of Central Govt. employees & Worker's Unions & Associations, West Bengal , Central Government employees will wear black badge on 31.08.2016 to convey our deep anguish against the paltry rise of pay resulted by the acceptance of 7th CPC recommendation by the government .
We appeal to each and every member/ employees of all division/branch to wear black badge on 31.08.2016 & make the program grand success.
Sub Committe meeting of Postmaster Cader of All India Postal Employees Union Gr.-C, West Bengal Circle held on 21.08.2016 at Tarapada Memorial Hall successfully. More than 20 (Twenty) members of Post Master Cader attended the said meeting. Problems of members as Postmaster Cader, Promotional aspect & next posting, 2nd September, 2016 Strike , 7th Pay Commission & others issues were discussed at the said meeting. Com. Sanat Kumar Das,, Com. Asit Bangabas Joint Convener of Postmaster Cader Sub Committee & all members of Postmaster Cader participated at the discussion. Com. Annwesa Biswas, Circle Secretary , Gr-C, replied the all question of the members. Com. Bibhas Ghara, Asstt. Financial Secretary & Com. Adhir Das, Asstt. Secretary were also present . The meeting was presided by Com. Saswata Dutta, member of Postmaster Cader Sub Committee.
The scheduled hunger-fast program on 23-24 August 2016 at Yogayog Bhawan has been decided by all Circle Unions to be deferred for now. The decision has been arrived at from the meeting of Postal Coordination Committee (PCC), West Bengal, on 20.08.2016 attended by all Circle Secretaries, available Circle office bearers and All India office bearers. In the meeting, PCC has pondered over a written request received from the C.O. communicating the message from the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, which is produced below.
The PCC agreed on the points that the assurance expressed by the administration in the above letter cannot be relied upon blindly, our previous experience tells us so. More so, the arguments placed through the letter are mostly far from the facts. Undoubtedly, these points should be contested in writing immediately. The negligence of the administration to our causes was definitely deliberate to some extent. Some of the officers were even over-enthusiastic to turn down staff-issues. We do not expect everything to be changed overnight by a letter of C.O.
Yet, PCC has also considered that finally the Chief PMG appears to intervene into the charter of demands submitted by us. It is also likely that our issues would be sent to all PMsG by her for action as assured in the letter. So, the preliminary actions and words of the Circle Head deserve some respect from us, at least for a reasonable period.
Therefore, the Circle Unions, in the said meeting, decided to issue a letter jointly to the Chief PMG protesting the arguments of the C.O. letter. The letter will be produced in this blog shortly. At the same time, the hunger-fast program would be deferred, but as the issues are of no less importance to us, a demonstration will be observed at the main gate of Yogayog Bhawan on 24th August 2016 at recess hours. If the administration fails again to fulfil the assurances, this deferred program will be relaunched during middle of the September 2016 with more intensity.
Accordingly, comrades are requested to propagate this development and change in the program among all our members. At the same time, comrades of Kolkata city and neighbouring divisions are requested to flood the gathering of the demonstration on 24.8.16 at Yogayog Bhawan gate to show our consolidation and intolerance to administrative apathy any further.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
With a heavy heart the Circle Unions of West Bengal mourn the demise
of Com. Debarati Bardhan, wife of Com. Samir Bardhan, ex-Circle Secretary, RMS
Group-C union of West Bengal, at midnight of 15th August 2016, at a private
nursing home of Kalyani, Nadia. She was only 54. Com. Debarati di was our
colleague also and presently posted as the SPM, Chandmari Road S.O. in North
Presidency Division. She was enormously popular for her energetic presence and
humourous nature. She was suffering from post-operative complications after a
gall bladder surgery recently, but could not recover.
Throughout her life with Com. Samir Bardhan, she carried our flag and
taken the load of the family as Com. Samir Bardhan took up greater
responsibilities of the Circle RMS organisation. Apart from her husband, she is
survived by their son, daughter in-law, daughter and son in-law.
The Circle Unions condoles the premature departure of Com. Debarati Bardhan
from all of us and extends heart-felt sympathy for the unexpected and irreparable loss
to the Bardhan family.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Strike Intimation Program at
Yogayog Bhawan.
Today as per decision of Postal JCA, NFPE Group of
Unions, West Bengal Circle conducted Strike intimation program at Yogayog
Bhawan. Com Janardan Majumdar, Dy. General Secretary, AIPEU, Gr. “C” (CHQ) and
President, AIPEU, Gr. “C”, West Bengal Circle presided over the program.
Amongst leadership, Com Sourav Das, Circle Secretary, Admn. Union, Com Sanjay
Chakraborty, Circle Secretary, R-IV and Com Sanatan Das, Circle Secretary, P-IV
made speech on ensuing 2 Sept. Strike. A large number of employees, organisors
and circle leadership were present in the meeting. Before the meeting, there
was a squad of the participants on different floor of Yogayog Bhawan. From the
program NFPE Group of Unions made frantic call to all cross section of
employees irrespective of unions to take part in strike and make it a grand success
in the interest of our country as well as common man including Central Govt.
employees. A part from Yogayog Bhawan, same program has been organized in
different mafarswal – unit.
Friday, August 12, 2016
The sample intimation letter is given below:
NFPE Group of Unions
________________ Division
No: Date: 12.08.2016
The ....... (Divn / Unit Head)
-------------------- Divn / Name of Unit.
Sub: Serving strike intimation called on 02.09.2016.
This is for your kind information that the Confederation of Central Govt Employees and Workers has called a general strike on 02.09.2016 on 12-point common demands and 9-point CG Employees demands. Our Federation (NFPE) as a constituent organisation of Confederation has decided to join the strike. Therefore, these divisional unions will participate in the said strike on the declared date.
The copy of the charter of demands is enclosed herewith.
Sign. of Divl secretaries
2016 September 2nd General Strike 12 Point Charter of Demands of Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions submitted to government:
1. Urgent measures for containing price rise through universalization of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Universal social security cover for all workers.
5. Minimum wage of not less than 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation (for unskilled worker).
6. Assured enhanced pension not less than 3000 p.m for the entire working population (including unorganized sector workers).
7. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/state public sector undertakings.
8. Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent/perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as that of regular workers for the same and similar work.
9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund and increase in quantum of gratuity.
10.Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting application and immediate ratification of ILO conventions C-87 and C-98.
11.No FDI in Railways, Defence and other strategic sectors.
12.No unilateral amendment to labour laws.
Demand of the Central Govt. Employees
1. Avoid delay in implementing the assurances given by Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30thJune 2016, especially increase in minimum pay a fitment formula. Implement the assurance in a time bound manner.
2. Settle issues raised by the NJCA, regarding modifications of the 7th CPC recommendations, submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015.
3. Scrap PFRDA Act and New Pension System (NPS) and grant Pension/Family Pension to all Central Government employees under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.
4. No privatization, outsourcing, contractorisation of Government functions.
5. (i) Treat Gramin Dak Sevaks as Civil Servants and extend all benefits on pay, pension and allownaces of departmental employees.
(ii) Regularise casual, contract, contingent and daily rated workers and grant equal pay and other benefits.
6. Fill up all vacant posts by special recruitment. Lift ban on creation of new posts.
7. Remove ceiling on compassionate appointments.
8. Extend benefit of Bonus Act amendment 2015 on enhancement of payment ceiling to the Adhoc bonus/PLB of Central Govt. employees with effect from the financial years 2014-15. Ensure payment of revised bonus before Pooja holidays.
9. Revive JCM functioning at all levels.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Monday, August 8, 2016
Comrades, as decided and already circulated by Postal Coordination Committee, please ensure holding demonstration tomorrow (09.08.2016) at recess hours in all divisions and submit a resolution in the following text along with the charter of demands given below the text.
NFPE Group of Unions
________________ Division
Resolution Dated 09.08.2016.
The demonstration of the above unions organised at ............... notes with deep anguish and serious concern that the West Bengal Circle Administration is quite reluctant to settle different staff-related issues despite placement by the Circle Union through different communications and dialogues from time to time. These issues not only include demands raised from personal and collective difficulties of staff, but also involves implementation of different departmental orders in this Circle, which was actually imperative duties of the Administration itself.
This demonstration further expresses its strong resentment over the reality that had these issues been settled, the working environment and quality of service would be elevated, but yet these had been neglected by the Administration. In many cases, though assurances were given, nothing materialised over the time.
All these together have created a situation of compulsion for all the staff-members of the above organisations to resolve to reiterate the notice given by the Circle Unions to settle the charter demands submitted through letter no. PC-25/Joint Movement dated 05.08.2016 within 15 days from this day.
This demonstration further resolves to launch Circle-wide trade union movement of unprecedented intensity through phases, the first course being the program of continuous Hunger-Fast on 23-24th August 2016 at Yogayog Bhawan, if effective and visible actions are not taken by the Administration within the stipulated period. The charter of demands is enclosed for ready reference.

This demonstration further expresses its strong resentment over the reality that had these issues been settled, the working environment and quality of service would be elevated, but yet these had been neglected by the Administration. In many cases, though assurances were given, nothing materialised over the time.
All these together have created a situation of compulsion for all the staff-members of the above organisations to resolve to reiterate the notice given by the Circle Unions to settle the charter demands submitted through letter no. PC-25/Joint Movement dated 05.08.2016 within 15 days from this day.
This demonstration further resolves to launch Circle-wide trade union movement of unprecedented intensity through phases, the first course being the program of continuous Hunger-Fast on 23-24th August 2016 at Yogayog Bhawan, if effective and visible actions are not taken by the Administration within the stipulated period. The charter of demands is enclosed for ready reference.
(President of the demonstration)
Comrades, as decided and already circulated by Postal Coordination Committee, please ensure holding demonstration tomorrow (09.08.2016) at recess hours in all divisions and submit a resolution in the following text along with the charter of demands given below the text.
NFPE Group of Unions
________________ Division
Resolution Dated 09.08.2016.
The demonstration of the above unions organised at ............... notes with deep anguish and serious concern that the West Bengal Circle Administration is quite reluctant to settle different staff-related issues despite placement by the Circle Union through different communications and dialogues from time to time. These issues not only include demands raised from personal and collective difficulties of staff, but also involves implementation of different departmental orders in this Circle, which was actually imperative duties of the Administration itself.
This demonstration further expresses its strong resentment over the reality that had these issues been settled, the working environment and quality of service would be elevated, but yet these had been neglected by the Administration. In many cases, though assurances were given, nothing materialised over the time.
All these together have created a situation of compulsion for all the staff-members of the above organisations to resolve to reiterate the notice given by the Circle Unions to settle the charter demands submitted through letter no. PC-25/Joint Movement dated 05.08.2016 within 15 days from this day.
This demonstration further resolves to launch Circle-wide trade union movement of unprecedented intensity through phases, the first course being the program of continuous Hunger-Fast on 23-24th August 2016 at Yogayog Bhawan, if effective and visible actions are not taken by the Administration within the stipulated period. The charter of demands is enclosed for ready reference.

This demonstration further expresses its strong resentment over the reality that had these issues been settled, the working environment and quality of service would be elevated, but yet these had been neglected by the Administration. In many cases, though assurances were given, nothing materialised over the time.
All these together have created a situation of compulsion for all the staff-members of the above organisations to resolve to reiterate the notice given by the Circle Unions to settle the charter demands submitted through letter no. PC-25/Joint Movement dated 05.08.2016 within 15 days from this day.
This demonstration further resolves to launch Circle-wide trade union movement of unprecedented intensity through phases, the first course being the program of continuous Hunger-Fast on 23-24th August 2016 at Yogayog Bhawan, if effective and visible actions are not taken by the Administration within the stipulated period. The charter of demands is enclosed for ready reference.
Order of the Postmaster Grade- II officials who have been approved for promotion to Postmaster Grade-III cadre are promoted to Postmaster Grade-III in the pay band of Rs. 9300/- -Rs. 34800/-(PB-2) with grade pay Rs. 4600/- on regular basis from Postmaster Grade-II cadre in the pay band of Rs. 9300/- -Rs. 34800/-(PB-2) with grade pay Rs. 4200/- issued in the Kolkata Region.
Posting order of Postmaster Grade-III issued:-
2. Samir Halder-Jadavpur
3. Bhaskar Datta-Belgharia
4. Anupam Podder-Kalyani
5. Anup Bhattacharya-Hatkhola
6. Nitai Ch Mondal-Bhawanipur
7. Ramesh Ch Ghosh-L R.Sarani
8. Vivekananda Mondal -Baharam Pur
9. Pranata Bag-Krishnanagar
10.Dilip Halder-New Alipur
11.Gautam Nandi-Basirhat
12. Saswata Dutta-Ballygunj
13. Naresh Ch Mondal -R.R. Sarani
14. Subhendu Talukdar-Belgachia
15. Avijit Kundu-Kakurgachi
16. Sumitra Biswas- Entally
17. Pradip Chakraborty-Dum Dum MDG
18. Arun Bal-Kalakar Street
19. Himnsu Modak-Rash Behari Avenue
20.Dipankar Das -Bowbazar
21. Soumitra Dutta-Circus Avenue
22. Avijit Chakraborty-Sarat Bose Rd
Congratulation to all of you.
Friday, August 5, 2016
One General Meeting of Postmaster Cader will be held on 21.08.2016, at Tarapada Memorial Hall, at 11 hrs. Circle President, Circle Secretary of Gr-C alongwith other office bearer Committee of West Bengal Circle will attend the said Meeting.
All are requested to attend the said meeting All Circle Office Bearer & Divisional/Branch Secretary are requested to contact the member of all Postmaster Cader & take necessary action to make the programme grand success.
Notice of the General Meeting is produced below:-
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Important Notice
Branch/Divisional Secretaries’s
Meeting on 4th August’2016 at 5.30 PM at Tarapada Memorial Hall.
All Branch/Divisional Secretaries and Circle Office bearers of NFPE
(in and around Kolkata) are requested to attend the meeting in time.
Agenda: -- Ensuing program from 9th
August’2016 at Circle office at the call of NFPE.
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