Dear Comrades,
You already know that the 2nd Circle Technology Convention is going to be held on 3rd October 2010 in North Kolkata Division. The notice for the convention is given below. All are requested to please download the notice and start preparation. Comrades in North Bengal region have already been requested by Circle Union to reserve their berths well in advance.
Please further note that the Group-C secretaries are required to attend the Part-time Workers' Circle Conference on 2nd October in Burdwan. They have to move to Kolkata by night on the same day to attend the Technology Convention next morning. Arrangement for night-stay will be available at Tarapada Memorial Hall.
All India Postal Employees Union Group – C
West Bengal Circle
37, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata – 13.
No: PC – 61 / Computer Dated 10.09.2010.
This is hereby notified that the 2nd CIRCLE TECHNOLOGY CONVENTION is convened on 3rd October 2010 at Sinthi Chorus Hall, 1/1/ 43 A, Dum Dum Road, Kolkata-2 (in between Chiria More & Dum Dum station) in North Kolkata Division.
The convention will start sharp at 10 A.M. All Branch / Divisional Secretaries will please compulsorily attend the convention with 4 (four) representatives from each division. The representatives should be Postal Assistants working as System Assistants / Administrators / Managers / Software Developers / Trainers etc. The delegate fee will be Rs.100/- (one hundred) only per head.
The agenda for the convention are detailed below.
1. Presentation & discussion on the Draft Work Paper ---- changes & developments the department is going through from organisational point of view, role of the P.A.s working as System Assistants and other nomenclatures & the administrative attacks.
2. Our demand and movement to streamline the technological work in the department, with reference to work distribution and proposed cadre restructuring.
3. Organisational approach to the problem ---- identification, involvement & participation at Divisional, Circle & All India levels.
4. Finalisation of organisational programs and adoption of the Work Paper.
5. Constitution of new Circle Technology Sub-Committee.
6. Miscellaneous.
Organisers are requested to employ maximum efforts to make the convention a huge success. A separate circular will be issued having other details of the program.
Sd. Sd. Sd.
Partha Ghosh Bijan Chakraborty Janardan Majumdar
(Joint Convener) (Joint Convener) (Circle Secretary)
Copy To:
1-15. All Circle Office Bearers of AIPEU Gr-C, W.B.Circle ----- they are to remain present in the
16-53. All Branch / Divisional Secretaries, Gr-C ---- they will please move from the Part Time Workers’
Circle Conference (Burdwan) so as to reach the convention by 9 A.M. on the date. The presence of
the Secretary is a must and cannot be delegated to / replaced by any other office bearer unless
extra-ordinary situation like acute illness comes up. Branch / Divisional Unions will incur the cost
of journey.
54-68. All members of Circle Computer Sub-Committee ---- they will please discharge their assigned
responsibilities already communicated to them. They will keep closed liaison with the host divn
and will arrive at the venue by the noon of the preceding day, i.e., 2nd October 2010.
69-70. O/C & Spare.
Sd. Sd. Sd.
Partha Ghosh Bijan Chakraborty Janardan Majumdar
Joint Convener Joint Convener Circle Secretary
Circle Computer Sub-committee Circle Computer Sub-committee