Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Text of Intimation

All India Postal Employees Union, Group-“C”

All India Postal Employees Union, Postmen & MTS

All India Postal Employees Union, GDS

------------------------------ Divn / Branch

No.                                                                                                           Dated: 17th August, 2017

Name & Designation of Divn. Head
                                                    Strike Intimation

               As per direction of NFPE and AIPEU, GDS,  we hereby intimate that all the Postal / RMS / MMS / Administrative & Postal Accounts Employees and the Gramin Dak Sewaks (NFPE) will go on one (1)  Day  Strike on 23rd August’ 2017.
    A Xerox copy of the Strike notice and Charter of demand submitted by our federation are enclosed herewith.


         Divn Secretary,           Divn Secretary                       Divn Secretary
        AIPEU, GDS        AIPEU, Postmen & MTS                AIPEU, Gr. “C”

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