COVID-19 : Administrative Inaction on Ensuring supply of PPEs Reagrding
1:20 PM
Respected sir,
Our unions have noted that since lock down has been imposed and it has been
instructed by different authorities to continue basic postal service with
skeletal number of staffs, almost every order contains the direction to use
hand wash, mask, soap, sanitizer etc. The Control Room of our C.O. has also
kept repeating the same words.
the Divisional Heads are also reciprocating the same words in their
communications in divisions, while the fact is, these Personal Protection
Equipment (PPEs) are practically vanished from the market. So, postal employees
are compelled to work without these items, or using their own hard-collected
stock which they could have used for their family members. This is pathetic.
Question is arising in our minds if this indifference is shown as we are lower
level employees only.
When the Central and the State, both
Governments have identified postal service as ‘essential’ and exception from lock down, we don't understand as to
why our Circle Office is not directly taking the matter up with the State Govt
authorities, obtaining the requirement from the divisions, to supply these PPE
items adequately. When these are not available in the market and it is
known to everybody, reiterating the direction in every correspondence is nothing
but a futile exercise and an effort to shirk responsibility.
We strongly opine
that the administration should take the matter up with the State Govt
immediately so that our staffs who are working in post offices risking their
lives, feel a little assured. Though we strongly believe that the present
situation is not favourable for opening and keeping offices open, this action
is required to ensure minimum protection to working staffs. The present action is nothing but
transferring responsibility downwards in an insensitive and inhuman way.
We prefer
our circle administration to kindly think over it.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
S.Chakraborty, Circle Secretary, Postmen & MTS
T.Bhowmik, Circle Secretary, GDS
S.Barua, Circle Secretary, SBCO
S.Nandy, Circle Secretary, R-III
D.Dey, Circle Secretary, R-IV
S.Das, Circle Secretary, Admin Union
S.Dey, Circle Secretary, DA(P)
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