Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ensuing All India Conference-Present task of Branch /Division 

Dear Comrades,
   Draft copy of the Bi-ennial report for the ensuing All India conference has been sent to all Branch/division by CHQ . Now our task of Branch/Division  are:-
  1.  Please convene Office Bearer/Working Committee Meeting &  place the entire report for discussion.
  2. Collect concrete , constructive suggestion /correction /amendment to the Bi-ennial report & send Circle Union in writing.
  3. Resolution, if any on service or for the Welfare  of employees ,  may be sent to the Circle Union in writing.
  4. Based on the problems existing in Branch / Division, in case if Directorate order have not been implemented properly, these please send to Circle Union in writing.
  5.  In no circumstances, any suggestion/amendment /resolution may be sent to All India Union (CHQ) direct.
  6. Based on the suggestion/amendment/resolution  & with the views of it's own Circle Union will prepare a comprehensive note before attending the All India Conference.
       To this direction Circle Working Committee Meeting will be held on 26th February , 2013. So Branchs/Division has to send suggestion/amendment/resolution   to Circle Union latest by 20th February, 2013. This decision has been taken in last Circle Working Committee Meeting held on 19.01.13.
This is most urgent.

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