Thursday, October 27, 2016

Strike (9-10 Nov.' 16) program at Yogayog Bhawan 

      At the call of Postal Coordination Committee (NFPE/GDS/Part time), a good program held at Yogayog Bhawan to progagate the ensuing Strike at the call of Postal JCA comprising NFPE/FNPO and their GDS organisation. The Program started at about 1.00 PM and continued till 4.30 PM. The participation followed by a squad on 5th/ 6th/ 7th floor of Yogayog Bhawan, was satisfactory. 
     Presidum consisting Com Janardan Majumdar, Prssident P-III, Com Debasish Guha Thakurta, President, DAP and Com Sukumar Mondal, President P -IV presided over the meeting. Amongst the speakers were Com Annwesha Biswas, Circle Secretary, P-III, Com Sanat Das, Circle Secretary, P -IV, Com Tapan Bhowmik, Asstt. Circle Secretary, GDS, Com Sanjoy Chakraborty, Circle Secretary, R-IV, Com Adhir Das, Asstt. Circle Secretary, P-III, Com Sukumar Bose, Asstt. Circle Secretary, GDS, Com Goutam Kundugrami, Circle Secretary, Part time, Com Sanjib Barua, Circle Secretary, SBCO, Com Asit Bangbas, Asstt. Circle Secretary, P-III, Com Shyam Sundar Dey, Circle Secretary, DAP, Com Bijoy Gopal Sur, Circle Secretary, GDS, Com Ganesh Das, Financial Secretary, Admn. Union and Com Tapan Bharati Financial secretary, GDS. They described two points charter of demands, role of Postal Directorate and the situation based on which Postal JCA issued strike notice. 
     From the meeting one delegation of NFPE met with the hon'ble Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle and handed over the strike intimation. In this context, this is to mention that on 20th Oct.' 2016 in most of the divisions/branches, strike intimation program observed with utmost sincerely. 
     However from today's program leadership appleded divn/branch leadership to start in befitting manner amongst employees for ensuing strike

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