Saturday, January 14, 2017

Successful Council Meeting at Serampore.  

     Council Meeting of AIPEU, Gr. “C”, Extended Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU, Postmen & MTS, Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU, GDS/BSCO and Office bearers Meeting of Postal Worker’ Union held successfully on 31st Dec’ 206 – 1st January’ 2017 at Serampore, under South Hooghly Dn. Heartiest thanks to our organizations of South Hooghly Dn for such a nice and sincere arrangement of the joint meeting.
Hoisting our Red Flag and garlanding at the martys column meeting started at about 11.00 AM on 31st Dec.’2016. Com Janardan Majumdar, President, Gr. “C”, Com Sukumar Mondal, President, P-IV, Com Asit Das, Vice President, SBCO, Com Ashis Dutta, President, GDS and Com Nirmal Ch Dey, President, PWU presided over the meeting. Com Tapan Dasgupta, Joint Convenor, 12 July Committee and our beloved leader inaugurated the joint meeting. He described present crisis in our country, also the lapses, short comings still in our organization and finally made frantic call to strengthen our organization to face present challenges. Then Com Bijoy Gopal Sur, Circle Secretary, GDS, Com Sanjib Barua, Circle Secretary, SBCO, Com Goutam Kundagrami, Circle Secretary, PWU, Com Sanatan Das, Circle Secretary, P-IV, Com Annwesha Biswas, Circle Secretary, Gr. “C” and Com Asit Bangbas, Asstt. Circle Secretary, Gr. “C” placed, part by part the work paper before the meeting for discussion. All most all the Divn/Branch, Divisional Secretaries or their representative were present in the meeting. Overall attendance including Circle councillor, Circle office bearers, divisional Secretaries was nearly 250. On draft work paper 41 Comrades took part in discussion. It was a well attended, disciplined meeting with a few exceptions.
     On 1st January’ 2017,  Com R N Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPEU, Gr. “C” (CHQ) was present in the meeting and delivered his speech mainly an attack on Postal service and all section of Postal employees, deceptive role of Central Govt. to its employees, particularly in case of 7th CPC and also on our present tasks/program. He replied to some queries put forwarded by our comrades. In the meeting amongst others, wife and little daughters and brother of Late Com Gopal Ch Singha who died of heart attack during March to Parliament were also present. It was a touching moment when on behalf of our organization Com R N Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPEU, Gr. “C” (CHQ) handed over a cheque of Rs 100000.00 (Rs One lakh) only to helpless wife of Late Com Gopal Ch Singha. The meeting took oath that our organization would never forget Com Singha in the field of struggle. We also committed to stand by his helpless family to maximum possible extent. In this context this is to mention that all the call of Circle unions/Purulia Divisional Unions, Condolence meeting in memory of Late Com Singha will be held on 8th January’ 2017 at Purulia. Some of our leaders like Com Tapan Dasgupta, Com Somnath Goswami, Com Saifuddin Ahmed, Com Pranab Bhattacharya and Com Nirmal Ch Dey who retired in recent months were felicitated by the Circle Unions.  Receiption Committee has felicitated to our beloved Secretary General Com R N Parashar before delivering his speech.
     One resolution had been moved and passed unanimously. It was against unrealistic and whimsical order of Circle Admn. Instructing to open Post offices, RMS/MMS offices on Sunday/holiday. Finally Circle Secretaries replied to the points raised by our comrades.
Com Janardan Majumdar, on behalf of presidium made sincere thanks to our comrades/members of South Hooghly Divn and also made earnest appeal to all Branch/Dvn to take all out efforts to strengthen our organization and also success our all following programs:---

1.             Take all our efforts to success all India Strike on 12th Feb’2017 (Finally date has changed to 16th March’ 2017) at the call of Confederation.
2.             Take all our efforts to success all India Conference of AIPSBCO Employees Association to be held on 8-9 April’ 2017 in Kolkata.
3.             Indefinite hunger fast at the call of NFPE/Postal Workers’ Union from 18th January’ 2017 at Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle.
4.             Ensure educative trade union camp on Current issues, from Circle to Divn/Branch. Educate our young members/comrades. Next Circle based trade union camp will be held in South Nadia Divn in coming March.
5.             Next Circle Conference will be held at Siliguri under Darjeeling Dn on and from 4 – 7 Nov.’2017. Ensure advertisement collection to help Darjeeling Divn (including Siliguri Local Branch). Before Circle Conference ensure Divn/ Branch conference should be held everywhere.
6.             Organise Circle Conference of Postal Workers’ Union as early as possible. Before that Divn/Branch conference should be held everywhere.
7.             Work hard Educate ourselves. Strengthen NFPE. Postal movement as a whole.         

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