Com. Somnath Mukherjee, former Dy. G.S., Gr-C (CHQ), felicitates Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur, President (CHQ) of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE).
Com. B.G.Sur addresses the Divl Secretaries of West Bengal Circle.

Com. Nirmal Dey, Circle Secretary, P-IV, addresses the house.
Com. Janardan Majumdar, Circle Secretary, Group-C, addressing the house.
Com. Adhir Das, Divl Secretary, Gr-C, on behalf of South Presidency Divisional Unions, contributing assistance to the bereaved family of Late Com. Balindranath Roy, assassinated P/T Nightguard, Domohani S.O. (Jalpaiguri Divn) through Com. Pranab Bhattacharya, Vice-President, Gr-C Circle Union.
The Joint Extended Circle Working Committee has been successfully held at Tarapada Memorial Hall on 12th. The urgent meeting was aimed at the discussion and decision on the situation evolved after formation of new AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) union.
Com. Tapan Dasgupta, Gr-C Circle President and Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur, President (CHQ) of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) explained the reality and the necessity of the decision taken to form the new union. Few of the Divl Secretaries have also expressed their views over it. after an in-depth discussion and realistic analysis, it has been decided that all comrades of West Bengal Circle will jump into action for building up the new GDS union. Some other important decisions have also been taken which require to be communicated by the Divl Secretaries to our members after return.
Com. Janardan Majumdar, Circle Secretary Gr-C and Com. Nirmal Dey, Circle Secretary, P-IV, also spoke in the meeting. Com. Somnath Mukherjee, ex-Dy. General Secretary, Gr-C (CHQ) felicitated Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur for being elected as the CHQ President of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE). Decisions have been taken that the new GDS orgaanisation, supported by the strength of entire NFPE, will hold its Divl and Circle Conferences as early as possible.The tentative date of Circle Conference is 17th June 2012 in South Hooghly Division.
The meeting expressed deep condolences to the ultimate sacrifice made by late Com. Balindranath Roy, President, Postal Workers' Union, Jalpaiguri Divn and Part-Time Nightguard, Domohani S.O. to protect Govt property. Circle Union has decided to raise fund to assist the family. Seven divisions readily contributed to the fund with their readily available resources. Circle Unions will also contribute their funds shortly.
We congratulate all comrades for making the meeting successful.
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