Thursday, October 15, 2015

Circle Conference of AIPEU Group C, West Bengal Circle Branch at Indoor Stadium, Suri ( Birbhum ) from 01.11.2015 to 04.11.2015 ---- notice served at C.O.

        The copy of the notice of the Circle Conference 2015 is given above. This has already been served to the C.O. So, the Divl Secretaries may now get its printout, if needed, and submit your list of delegates to Divl Heads asking to grant Special C.L. with transit time. The hard copy has been despatched by post to all divisional secretaries.

  Draft Secretarial Report and Poster of Circle Conference is now available at Circle Union office. Divn/Units in and around Kolkata are requested to collect them by hand immediately. 

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