Advertisement F.No. 3/4/2015-P&P-I
Opening Date for Online Registration: 13 June 2015
Closing Date for Online Registration: 13 July 2015 (5:00PM)
Date of Examination: 1 November 2015, 15 November 2015 and 22 November 2015
Note: Candidates can also apply through Post.
Pay of the Posts:
Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant PB -1(Rs. 5200-20200) Grade Pay 2400
Data Entry Operator : Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 2400
Data Entry Operator : Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 1900
Lower Division Clerk: Pay Band -1 (Rs. 5200-20200), Grade Pay Rs. 1900
Vacancies: Tentatively the vacancies for the post of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, LDC and DEO are 3523, 2049 and 1006 respectively.
Educational Qualification ( As on 01.08.2015)
* Must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.
* Candidates who have not acquired but will acquire the educational qualification and acquire documentary evidence from the Board/University in support thereof as on 01.08.2015 will also be eligible.
Age Limit: 18-27 years as on 01.08.2015 (Candidates born not before 02-08-1988 and not later than 01-08-1997.) .Age relaxation as applicable for different categories.
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted only in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) On-line or by Post. Detailed instructions as in Annexure - II A or Annexure - II B, may be referred to for postal applications and on-line applications respectively.
Scheme of the Examination: The Examination will be conducted in three tiers as indicated below-
Tier -I -- Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -II -- Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier -III -- Personality Test cum Interview/Computer Proficiency Test/Skill Test (wherever applicable)/Document Verification.
Please note: The Commission reserves the right to make changes in the scheme of examination such as conduct of Tier-I and Tier-II examination in on-line mode, treating Tier-I examination as only qualifying and not conducting personality test cum interview for some or all posts etc.
Application Fee:
--Rs. 100 (One hundred only)
Payment of application fee is exempted for all women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Physically Handicapped and
Ex-servicemen eligible for reservation, as per Government orders.
** For Paper or Off-Line Applications: Candidates should pay the fee by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) only.
** The candidates submitting application form online (computer based) should pay the fee of Rs 100 (Rupees one hundred only) by means of SBI Challan or Online payment through Net banking or any credit/debit cards only.
Scheme of Examination:
The examination will consist of a Written Examination and Skill Test for the post of Data Entry Operator and Written Test and Typing Test for the post of Postal
Assistant & Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) and Lower Division Clerk on Computer.
Written examination (Objective type):
Part I: General Intelligence (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Part II: English Language (Basic Knowledge) ( 50 questions ) - 50 Marks
Part III: Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Part IV: General Awareness (50 questions) - 50 Marks
Total: 200 Marks
Total Duration /Timing: 2 Hours (10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon) or (2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)
Note: The proposal for online examination is under consideration of the Government of India and if approved examination may be held on-line.
There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
For more details check official notification from below link. In case of any doubts, feel free to ask us through comments, we will get back to you.
Notification : Click Here
Application Form : Click Here
New recruitment came now..what about the abeyance of 2013-14 recruited candidates.
Brother i hav news dat stay ll be renoved in 10 days wait for atlst nxt 10 /12 days
Frm which source u get this news @sachin.
is it confirm??
Brother u cosult with lawyer.bt dont file pettition before 2 weeks.i hav confirm news dat with in 2 weeks stay is going to removed.
And the exam for 2015 is to be on november so u hav a lot of time to make a stay on dat.
Sachin is it true.but some saying it will bcme july or august
if the abeyance will not remove within next two weeks then we may plan to go to Delhi and meet with concerned officer. We have selected candidates, some of us are serving in Postal Dept they are getting salary. They come from same panel. And some of us are begging for serving. It is in-discrimination. We may plan to go Delhi on 29 June 2015 (Monday)if the situation not upgraded. please liaise with each other. Then we may go to lawyer. Actually no one is giving the actual news. The Postal Dept is playing a game with us. It should not be happened. It is injustice.
I hav news frm reliable sources.i hope its true....
abeyance will be vacated very soon,within this month for sure..wait till the last of ths mnth,dont b impatient,we all are selectd,no one can spare us frm joining..hope 4 the best
Ok as said we wait upto this month.if not then we can proceed
first, use ur own ID instead of using any fake one..dnt incite us about crt case,evrything wil be cleared by the end of ths mnth..
if any1 files a cse thn that may trouble us more..
Hai saikutkundu and sachin pls post the source from the news..
Hai. Postal assistant pls wait another 15 days. Don't create a new problem...
source dak vaban delhi, through ph calls,and a high official over there told that info to my frnd physically
thank you saikat kundu ... you made me happy with your words ..
Saiket can u gv me ur contact no.....
Ye postal assistant name wala kon hai sirf case case chillaraha hai apna real name,ID use karke post karo..case karne se kya faida hai bolo?? Maharastra walo ne feb mein CAT mein case kiya tha toh kya huwa abhi tak no solution that mean from feb to till date no improvement just date after date for hearing..indian judiciary kya case karne ke baat 2 mnth mein solve karega kya.? Joining hoga sab ka but kab god knows. Till then wait agar court case huwa toh chor do no joining for 1yr 2yr n even more..tab kya karoge.? Faltu suggestion mat do. Better hoga tab tak dusre exam ke liye preparation karo..hum sab bhi frustrate hai but have to wait till order...case karunga bolne ya karne se koi faida nahi sirf sab ko late hoga woh bhi indefinite period k liye..
well said pratheek bhai ... lets have good hope and wait for the good .. dont loose patience my dear friends
Plz share ur fb link .i need to talk to u
Plz share ur fb link .i need to talk to u
friends ... any latest news regarding our abeyance ?
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